Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Healthy Living

Neither one of us, don’t want to be healthy or sexy as well. However, we missed on doing things that are necessary to achieve so. What is lacking on us is determination and willingness to do what is right. We are often tempted on things which are considered unhealthy. Why don’t we start changing are lifestyle right at this very moment?

Listed below are the simple healthy tips towards healthy living:

1. Drinking water as you begin the day is a healthy routine, and have at least 2 liter of water in the whole day.

2. Have a good, wholesome breakfast. Never skip this meal. Likewise, don’t skip lunch and dinner either. It is vital to have regular meals. And as essential to not graze between meals.

3. Try a 5 to 10 minutes work out or a half an hour walk, preferably in the morning.

4. Eat more salads and less of food rich in calories.

5. Carry fruits with you so that you can eat a fruit and lessen your hunger.

6. Cut down on sodas, soft drinks, tea, coffee, and artificially flavored drinks.

7. Aim at loosing gradual weight loss and not sudden weight loss. The sudden weight loss if harmful for the body and is regained immediately. Small changes are easier to make and stick to than a dramatic and sudden overhaul.

8. A healthy diet should be permanent not a burden for a week or two.

9. Maintain a proper good eating habit to maintain the gradual weight loss.

10. Start with small goals and try to maintain it. If you try to change everything at once, you are likely to give in as soon as you experience your first craving.

Isn’t it easy? Try it, then we’ll see the result.